Creating True-to-life learning environment

We make simulation-based training with real-life work and scenarios


It increases engagement and provides, more cost-efficient training and grooming to do it right when it’s needed instead of a mere theoretical awareness of right action.

The challenges confronted in training the staff are varied shift timings for employees, difficulties in making them visualize and understand dynamic, complex environments of the three-dimensional real world; risks posed by unsafe practices; etc.

Familiarizing staff with standard operating procedures, emergency drills can be practised safely without disturbance to day to day operations of the business via realtime training simulations. The performance of staff on these tasks can be tracked and recorded to give useful insights to operation managers & HR managers- All are real-time statistics obtained in a virtual environment.

The silent revolution goes on so that you could find yourself being trained in VR sooner than you think.

vr industrial training

Real-time simulation training infuses the much-needed confidence in the minds of the person who experience training using AR and VR technology of the modern age. The headset wearer is moved by the virtual digital content which seemingly is just on par with reality and hence the user remains glued to the training session.

Real-time simulation solutions provides a new definition for training enabling employees to gain hands-on experience in a realistic environment. The simulation can be replicated to achieve good practical knowledge. We at DevDen provide a future-proof simulation mobile app that shall continue to be around in the future offering help to the trainees. The safety aspect of real-time simulation training is more pronounced in industries and professions which are highly vulnerable to risks when training is conducted in a real environment endangering lives and materials.

Manufacturing sector necessitates a careful balance of productivity and safety, and manufacturing plant training must reflect this. Leaders must be able to rapidly scale the workforce in order to maintain production efficiency and quality while meeting deadlines and profitability targets.

Virtual reality training assist manufacturing associates in learning the proper skills to do their jobs, while also increasing situational awareness and knowledge of safety protocol. Manufacturers are turning to virtual reality training because it has been shown to reduce training times, safety incidents, and worker time to productivity.

One of the chief implementations of VR application training material for staff is the development of realistic scenarios unique to each role with complete relevance. Individual episodes when put together can collectively replicate any potential business crises and from the VR analytics employers can estimate the problem-solving skills and stress levels of the users. This is the utmost expectation of any employer from the training program which is satiated by VR technology. Thus the speciality of VR content in imparting crisis management skills to the employee is well established.

Employers need their workforce to learn new skills, enhance existing capabilities, or complete compliance training. Virtual reality (VR) for simulation and training can offer realistic and interactive experiments that can be utilised to assess how trainees make intelligent decisions and test their reasoning ability in critical process.

Real-time simulation and sophisticated 3D simulation environments has been found to be best suited for cognitive skill development. With VR Training Simulation, employees can try things out in a realistic simulation before attempting the same skills in the real world.

Traditional training workshops are associated with several unavoidable obstacles – Safety issues, cost, and logistical issues. Virtual Reality content for training subjects the trainee to difficult tasks which strengthens their minds in due course.  A typical example may be operating heavy machinery in Construction field. The staff can thoroughly experience all these with just a VR headset with a controller.

Augmented and Virtual Reality medical applications lay a concrete platform for advanced medical education, enabling medical students and specialists to master their field through mock practice sessions before getting down to treating patients.

A striking advantage of using VR to train your workforce is that it can be done remotely. Remote working has now become the order of the day. You need not migrate teams between business locations at huge expense causing fatigue. VR allows staff around the world to undergo the same absorbing training experience.

Leading automobile manufacturers are have already incorporated VR to impart training to their employees worldwide. VR training can provide 360° coverage enabling employees to walk around a virtual version of a new car as well as sit inside to have a vivid experience of new features and design aspects in a clear and thorough manner.

Stage fear even prevents people with good communication skills from rendering a good performance in public speaking. VR, in contrast, provides users with ample opportunities for public speaking by means of its 360-degree realistic films. It can simulate venue, varied audience strength, etc. The audience behaviour can be simulated to suit the employee’s training needs, allowing companies to evaluate the speakers attitude and diplomatic response to difficult, annoying or embarrassing questions. The public speaking aspirant can achieve perfection through consistent practice using VR content.

Valuable Data provided by VR Analytics such as time per step, time to completion, count of interactions, quality of interactions and more can be obtained for additional analytics and reference.

VR Training Simulators and  Solutions

Why DevDen?

DevDen helps client to intensify training, workflow, and improve safety with VR technologies. We  deliver solutions  that are as modern, well-designed, and easy-to-use as the ones by the clients elsewhere in their daily lives. With our core field of expertise, we deliver the newest and most successful technology trends and popular applications on the market.

  • Quality and Integrity
  • Passion and Teamwork
  • Growth & Support
vr training solutions


We are experts at understanding how to bring your business strategy into this new medium, from turning training and simulation into strategic advantages with real-time 3D, XR and AR.


Out-of-the-ordinary ideas require custom VR development simulations. Rely on us to develop and deploy any VR simulation


Our expertise in all mixed virtual reality technology will help you build a complex VR simulation of any industry or business activity


Using VR technologies, we develop virtual experiences that will immerse your users into environments for maximum engagement

TECH Stack



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