The Digital environment around us has changed significantly in the last decade especially in the last two years during the pandemic. People across the globe started adapting to Work-from-home culture which means we are getting closer to the next iteration, the immersive technologies – AR & VR to experience the NextGen Visual abilities.

While Augmented reality technology delivers interactive and immersive experiences that add more meaning and value to real-world objects in our surrounding with visual, haptic, auditory components, VR technology takes us to a completely different world that mimics real-world objects.

We’re in the phase—the calm before the storm— we are witnessing new virtual reality news from innovative companies that will eventually permeate our daily interactions.

Today, AR/VR has already reached people’s hands via Smartphones and Apps inside like Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok filters and it is a thing of mass adoption and a future without AR/VR is inconceivable.

AR / VR devices of the future will deliver personalized, accessible and well-designed experiences.

We still basically use this Digital ecosystem as 2-Dimensional (2-D) space and time. But with the evolution and acceptance of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in the entertainment industry, we are slowly getting ready for the virtual and augmented world – FOR REAL.

Let’s explore in detail how this technology will revolutionize our day-to-day life:

In an event, speakers will make use of an AR/VR Development Company to amplify their presentation and captivate their audience. While you listen to a speaker you also envision the smell, visuals and auditory experiences related to the subject he/she is talking about. Would-be more engaging and exciting? Certainly Yes! The boring Video Calls lit up with much room for creativity and experimentation. At the comfort of our home we can attend meetings without travelling to North or East with cost-effective, highly engaging AR/VR presentations.

And that’s not all it can do. Watching live events livelier. AR can help in rendering a 360-degree video of an event, to watch globally/locally resulting in a much more impressive immersive experience to the audience.

Next Big Reality anticipated is Remote diagnostics, where a person would be able to visually see, interact and collaborate to solve a problem, provide a solution and recommendations. This is primarily being envisioned in the Medical/Healthcare field where a doctor could translate CT and MRI scans into interactive 3D models and virtually perform the procedure and plan ahead of time.

Apart from the gaming adoption, VR and AR have been adopted at a faster pace in the Education and Training sector – primarily in Aviation, Flight Training, Healthcare, Military Training, and Engineering.

In the Construction field, Virtual Reality, 3D Animation and Augmented Reality are in practice and it is being used to design and provide architectural visualization, design reviews and approval before commencing the actual construction. One live example is the VR technology used by Sotheby’s International Realty using Samsung Gear VR as a new showcase to advertise their multi-million-dollar homes based in Los Angeles, New York.

As organizations are increasingly adopting Hybrid work environment that allows their employees to work from office for certain days in a week and remote for the rest of the days, AR and VR will play a huge role in developing a collaborative work environment to interact, change and approve the data within the work environment and it is certainly possible to make people work entirely digital.

In Hospitality, VR helps travelers to make a decision about where to travel and identify what places to explore in their destination and what they could expect. One of the real examples is Marriott testing a VRoom service which is claimed to be a first-of-its-kind guest service that allows guests to order inspiring virtual reality experiences in their rooms.

VR is currently being tested in healthcare to assist doctors and physicians in carrying out accurate diagnosis to their patients. One of the Use Cases is VR is combined with other methods, such as MRI/CT scans, to eliminate the need for any kind of invasive techniques, making it a pain-free experience for the patient.


Companies, big or small, have opened up for AR/VR investments. Some renowned companies like Playstation, Steam, and Valve are known to be the early adopters of VR and AR technologies and the list grows. On the other hand, the demand for VR/AR skills is skyrocketing.

AR and VR are becoming mainstream with the proliferation of connected devices. Currently, the applications of AR and VR are mainly seen in the Gaming, Entertainment, Marketing, Education, Fashion, and Art industries. Today to live without Internet is unimaginable and in the future, this statement may changes as living without AR/Vr applications couldn’t be possible! 

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